To pry out of his cold dead hands...
Great game, but you went to far with the "once chance only" thing, it's even a bit pointless, in that any one can just delete the save file. (I'm not sure if you're suppose to do that, though.)
To pry out of his cold dead hands...
Great game, but you went to far with the "once chance only" thing, it's even a bit pointless, in that any one can just delete the save file. (I'm not sure if you're suppose to do that, though.)
Mid summer nights dream.
Very good.
rofl lmao
brillant, perfect
Here's my review of your review:
10/10 -- Summary: "roflmao!!" Message: "short, appreciated"
fun and entertaining
it was simple fun and addictive although, the boss was pathetic
sorry about the boss, but for some reason, i tried to make it a lot harder, but there was a glitch that made the game impossible to win. so i had to do that. sorry...
nice spoof
it seems old to, and it was fun for game play..
fun but cheatable
just hit the screen lock button and you can just move the mouse to the finish.. although this only on some comps
very fun and entertaining, its like a puzzel game more than a shooting game all i can sugget is making teasers and easter eggs in the game, that kinda of stuff makes a game alot more interesting and gives replay value
easy to cheat
yeah, hit scr lk button beat in bout 15 seconds
easy to cheat
make it less easy to cheat
screen look button wins again
i've never seen a game that could beat it, maze like.. so its really easy to cheat
yo it sayz im 17 butt im actully 8 lollllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll
Age 25, Male
Joined on 7/26/08